Beautiful Jaz
Jaz’s previous owner, herself a senior, had put into place a plan for the care of her beloved companion in the case of her death. Eighty-six year old Jacqueline put her little Jaz before all else. He was groomed and vetted regularly. Jacquie left money for her family to care for Jaz in the event of her death. It must have broken her heart to know she would be leaving him behind and we hope it was some relief for her to know that Jaz would be cared for after she passed. After all, the family had agreed to take on that responsibility and look after this tiny bundle of love.
After losing his owner, Jaz found himself alone, grieving and scared in the empty room he once shared with his person
Jacquie’s family took the money that was left to them for the care of Jaz, they emptied her room at the retirement home of any valuables and left seventeen-year-old Jaz behind. They notified staff that they did not want him. Another kind-hearted woman from the centre cared for Jaz until a local rescue organization was contacted and foster care was arranged for Jaz.
Ann became Jaz’s foster mom and after learning that Jacquie and Jaz had been inseparable for seventeen years, decided Jaz would not be shuffled around anymore. Jaz became a member of Ann’s pack of rescues. Each of them has their own story; Tina and Tommy are puppy mill rescues. Tina was a breeding dog whose insides were almost outside when she was surrendered. Tommy is her son. Cheeky was abused and tossed into a ditch. Then there are the cats – feral initially; they warmed to Ann’s nurturing nature, were neutered and spayed and are enjoying their new lives.


Jaz has settled into his surroundings and seems to take comfort in having siblings.

Jaz and his new brother Cheeky

Jaz and brother Tommy

Tina and Tommy
Ann opened her heart and her home to those in need. Her garden is also the resting place for previous companions who were lucky enough to find their way into her care, after they pass.

A resting place
I believe Jacqueline would be pleased to see Jaz in his new home. I wish the world were filled with more kind people like Ann.
If you are part of or know of a rescue story, please contact us; we love to share happy tales!
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