The purrrrfect accessories
Previously, I wrote about the importance of having a name – an identity. I believe our possessions should not define us, and of course, health and wellness come first. However, in our house, bling is a big thing. I don’t always remember to put collars back on after the pups have been dried off after their baths.
When I do finally get around to picking the collars up, they jingle jangle like a wrist full of bangles, when the I.D. tag, the insurance tag, and the D-ring connect. Henry and Reese come running from the other room, to claim their charms and be reclaimed. Jack isn’t as excited about the process, but he follows the other two and waits for his turn to be styled.
They like having their collars clicked into place around their necks. I imagine it’s as comforting to them as the habit for some of reaching up to their neck and feeling the string of pearls, inherited from a loved one.
I have changed the collars over the years due to broken clasps, or worn fabric. Just as some people are sentimental about a favourite necklace, or fond of a pair of everyday earrings, I feel the same way about my crew’s tags. I could never change them. Their tags are their statement pieces (King Henry, A (Reeses) piece of my heart, and our (Union) Jack. I did have to replace one though. Who only knows where King Henry’s ‘I’ tag went.
This canvas is called ‘Purrrrrrrls.’ It is the first in the ‘HER’ series featuring ‘her and her companion.’ Canvases, giclee prints and notecards of each piece will be available for purchase very soon.
And yes Paula it could be you! Alterations to the piece include a change of hair, fur, eye, skin, and background colour. Additional changes are considered ‘custom.’ Please contact me if interested in a quote.
The only valuable pieces of jewelry I own are my engagement diamond and the pearl necklace I wore on my wedding day. I prefer to have fun with costume jewelry. Recently, I found a way to support rescue organizations through my love of accessories. I became a Stella & Dot stylist! Each party that I host raises money for the organization.
What is your favourite piece of jewelry, and why is it your favourite?
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