I love the look of natural, jute rugs, and they are reasonably priced at IKEA, unless you have to keep replacing them, of course. For the most part, they are relatively easy to keep clean by vacuuming regularly. Pet owners, I am happy to say heavier stains don’t mean your rug is ruined.
If you’re gagging at the image of dark urine spots, hairballs, and squity sh*t and wondering why you would even want to keep it,
trust me; it is possible to remove the stain AND the stank!
Work quickly to avoid water stains and residual discoloration.
1. start by cleaning up the mess. If it’s only urine, you can (luckily) move straight to the next step
2. placing a few layers of paper towel under the affected area and using a plant spray bottle with only water, saturate the spot, so it penetrates through to the paper towel underneath
3. generously cover the area with baking soda and work it into the wet area
4. cover with another few layers of paper towel and place a heavy-weight object on top. You will need something large enough to cover the entire spot
5. leave for up to 72 hours to allow the baking soda and paper towel to absorb the odor, water, and whatever bodily fluids your pet deposited on the rug
6. once you’ve removed the weight and paper towel, all that’s left to do is vacuum up the baking soda
You’re welcome!
Wow! That is such a simple remedy for stained jute rugs! I didn’t realize that it was quite that easy. Thank you so much for the tip. I will be using it and sharing it. I wonder how well this works for regular carpet rugs. Hmmm… I will have to try it and let you know.
Robin recently posted…Comment on Why Pet Groomer Tools Include Our Dog Earplugs by Britt K
This is great information! Does it also remove the smell enough so that they won’t continue to mark it? I’ve noticed the marking instinct is a problem even with dogs that don’t generally go inside. Something in that pee message must say “go here”. lol
I’ve suggested using vinegar to mask the smell and clean the spot. Maybe baking soda will work? Hmmm…. I’ll have to let my friend know who has a pup that marks a lot. Oh, and my groomer has one spot in her shop, that no matter what she clean with, Henry’s got to leave his “I was here” mark after his grooming. I’ll pass this along. Thanks!
Terri recently posted…Is Turmeric For Dogs The Golden Bone Or Simply A Waste Of Treat Money?
Oh, I never knew about this baking soda trick. I fostered a couple of cats that had made a boo-boo on the carpet and white vinegar worked wonders! Thanks for sharing this secret trick for accidents. Very helpful.
Wow, that’s amazing! I can’t believe how easy that is. Jute rugs are so pretty, I love the natural element of them too. Thanks for tip!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Thank you for that cleaning tip, I love that no chemicals are not involved. Also good to see you as always.
Ruth Epstein recently posted…600 Million Dogs
Wow, and I thought something like this would be so expensive to clean! This is great, thank you for saving me a fortune!!
I’ve wanted to get a jute rug for a long time. Now that I know how easy they are to clean, it seems more likely that we will get one.
Wow! I have so many stains in my carpet from when my previous cat had cancer and was vomiting all the time. I need to try this for the hairballs from my current 2 Persian cats.