Nowadays, Peanut enjoys the fresh air she experiences as she flies along the wide open road with her biker mama, Linda. Peanut’s life was far from thrilling less than two years ago.
One chilly day, in October, Linda was hiking through the woods near the Cataraqui nature trail, a recreational trail in Eastern Ontario, when a dark little animal came running straight toward her. Linda recalls;
I was scared at first until I realized it was a tiny dog
Peanut was shivering and crying as Linda scooped her up and stuffed her into her jacket. The smell was horrid, recalls Linda as she grimaces at the memory. Linda carried Peanut back to her car and drove to the local Humane Society. The staff helped Linda to work through the matted fur to determine that Peanut was, in fact, a little girl. I had been calling her “little fella” up until that point says Linda.
The organization informed her of their dog surrender fee and asked Linda to fill out the necessary forms. Linda left, still carrying Peanut. She intended to clean up this little ball of fur and if unable to find the owner’s of this missing pup, return her to the Humane Society. Linda had a 14-year-old cat at home and didn’t want the responsibility of a dog.
Once home, Linda, a retired nurse, set about the challenge of washing, conditioning, and cutting Peanut’s fur. Her caring and nurturing nature did not go unappreciated by her new patient.
She seemed to be enjoying the treatment
This new, fresh hairdo would do for the initial photos. The ‘LOST DOG’ photo was taken after three washes and the clipping of matted fur. Linda captioned her photo posts ‘does anybody know this stinky little stray?’
When Linda looked into Peanut’s tiny mouth, she could not believe her eyes. Instead of teeth, Linda discovered what looked like a slab of wiggling concrete! This ‘slab’ was the result of severe tartar – common among Puppy Mill dogs. Linda made numerous calls to veterinary clinics in the area, posted ads on lost animal websites, and checked back with the Humane Society, several times.
Later, Linda and a friend with dog grooming experience and the proper styling tools spent two and a half hours buzzing and combing until finally, 5lb, 8oz, toy poodle Peanut was clump free. “She was skin and bones,” says Linda “and she was so good through the whole ordeal. ”
Peanut never took her eyes off of Linda and followed her everywhere she went. The first week went by, and no one had reported a lost dog or responded to any of the posts. Linda took her new friend to the vet where she learned that Peanut was ten or eleven years old and had a badly infected and broken jaw. The veterinarian advised Linda that Peanut’s teeth would need to be removed. It was also discovered that Peanut had delivered many litters of puppies.
Peanut was a typical puppy mill dog and of the age when breeders typically “dump” the older bitches as they stop producing puppies. In other words, these dogs are no longer generating revenue and are disposed of. (Reese was one of these dogs).
Linda belongs to the oldest motorcycle riding club in existence. It’s called Motor Maids, an all women’s motorcycle club, established in 1940.
My Motor Maid sisters took up a collection when they learned the cost of all that would have to be done to the peanut!
Peanut would be on four weeks of antibiotics and needed nourishment and to be hydrated.
Linda admits that by this point she was starting to feel that Peanut might end up being her dog. The big problem was that Linda goes on long motorcycle trips and would have to leave her with somebody each time. Peanut didn’t like it when Linda was out of sight and shook and cried if Linda left the room and couldn’t be seen. At that time, Peanut had no muscle tone and wasn’t able to run up the stairs or jump on or off a couch to follow her new friend. Not like now!
Peanut now weighs a healthy 7lbs 8oz and is very fit. She was also spayed. Poor little Peanut had delivered so may litters of puppies she continued to lactate – she was still producing milk a year after Linda rescued her!
I bought her a carrier for the motorbike. Now I was committed!
Linda and her little sidekick have traveled many miles together all over Ontario and New York State and down to Florida. Says Linda, “She’s happy as long as she’s with me. We are a real team now, and Peanut is popular everywhere we go. I’m so glad she found me.”
Thankfully, Peanut was brave enough to ask for help and Linda; a good-hearted person took the time to nurse her back to health and care for her.
Thank you, Linda & Peanut for sharing your story,
If you are part of or know of a rescue story, please contact us; we love to share happy tales!
Aww what a lovely testimony. It really is true sometimes animals find their owners. Bless Linda for her care and consideration saving Peanut. So glad she’ll spend the rest of her dog years with lots of love and the wind whipping through her hair.
It is unusual for mill dogs to be so forward. I’m glad Peanut was brave enough to approach Linda.
Aw….. Peanut got so lucky in the end. So glad she gets to go on these adventures. Has peanut met Scooter? They are a famous duo (human plus Chihuahua) who raise money for veterans and visit all the Harley dealerships … I love the idea of small dogs and bikes!
I will have to ask about Scooter. They sound like another great team!
It breaks my heart to read about the dogs in puppy mills, human beings can be so cruel to animals. How wonderful that Linda found Peanut and nurtured her back to health and happiness. Wonderful photos and a wonderful story of love and caring. PS Love your website. x
Thank you! Yes, mills need to be shut down.
Oh this is the most heartwarming story. What a star Peanut is and good grief aren’t puppy mills nightmares?!?!? Why are they not illegal all over the world?????
We had a kitty Peanut for 18.5 years so are thrilled another is carrying on the brave tradition of being an adventurer. Our Peanut flew half way around the world and spent as long in New Zealand as she did in the UK.
Team Dash Kitten recently posted…Meow Like a Pirate Day is Here
Yay for Peanuts all over the world!
Puppy mills are still running because the operators know how to work around the system and beat the inspections. It is incredibly frustrating. There need to be tighter protocol in place when it comes to bylaws and inspections.
LOVE this story! Poor little Peanut – I wonder how long she had been out there on her own. Her teeth sound so very painful – I had no idea tarter could get that bad. I love that this teeny tiny poodle is now a biker babe. I hope Peanut and Linda have many happy years together!
The Daily Pip recently posted…The Specials: Adopting A Deaf Feral Cat
Thank you. Yes, mill dogs are known for having to have major dental work done upon rescue.
What a beautiful story and thank you Linda for saving her and giving her a home, it was meant to be. These stories make me angry for the past abuse but happy for the ending and she looks like such a sweetie, aww love the name Peanut
Peanut has definitely ended up where she was meant to be.
This brought tears to my eyes. I have always felt like slapping people who buy from breeders and pet stores which supports puppy mills. So glad that peanut had a happy ending. Thank you for once again raising awareness against the horrors of puppy mill dogs.
Thank you! Yes, it is difficult to control our emotions when speaking with people who don’t bother to research where their dogs come from.
I agree; the most awesome biker babe ever. And I say that having had been a biker babe myself at some point in the past.
Go Jana!
What a beautiful story! I’m so glad that Peanut won Linda’s heart and they have so many great adventures now. These photos are great!
Thanks Beth. I appreciate the compliment on the photos – especially, from you. Your blog always features the most stunning photography!
What a sweet story! Peanut was very lucky to find such a caring person in Linda!
They are both so happy together.
What a great story! I’m so glad you rescued Peanut and spent so much time and money on her to make her well. I’m not sure what I would do if I found a dog in the woods. She’s lucky to have you!
They make a great team!
What a touching post. I’m so glad Peanut and Linda have each other and that they share happiness together each day.
They really do. So sweet to see them together.
Peanut is such a beautiful little girl! It is horrible that she was so mistreated earlier on in her life. I will never understand how people can be so cruel as the people at puppy mills are. I’m glad that she now has a wonderful life with Linda. At least she will know what it is like to be loved and appreciated.
Indeed. The farmers see them as livestock. Although, most farmers are more humane with cattle etc.
Peanut is living the life, now!
This is so sweet! She is adorable, and what a lucky chance at a better life!
She is the sweetest little thing. Such a little poser, too!