Hudson – a lover not a fighter
If he’s a ‘Pit Bull’ type dog, he’s most likely not in Ontario due to BSL – Breed Specific Legislation!
In August 2005, the Ontario government enacted the Dog Owner’s Liability Act (DOLA) outlawing the possession, breeding, importing and transferring of pit bulls in Ontario. The legislation replaced regulations that permitted pit bulls as long as they were muzzled and leashed in public, spayed or neutered, and euthanized where there was a possible threat or following an attack. Ontario’s pit bull ban was intended to reduce the frequency of dog attacks. Breed-specific legislation is problematic. It incorrectly attributes violent behavioural traits to certain breeds rather than focusing on insufficient or inadequate or negative training and unfairly generalizes across the breed based on the actions of a few when all dogs are capable of biting.
Hudson, along with two of his siblings were found NAILED by their paws to a railroad track. Sadly, one of the puppies died shortly after being discovered. Despite the horrific act suffered at the hands of a human, Hudson is a well mannered, loving dog. In fact, he is a therapy dog!
We look forward to sharing the full story of Hudson, the Railroad puppy with you soon.
How can people do that to any living thing? Ugh. Nailed. Yikes.
Thank you for sharing, and I love the painting.
[@samantha_rjsdr] from
Whimsical Compass
Thank you Ramya
If pit bulls have a reputation for being aggressive, it is because people mistreat them. We kept two puppies that my Siberian Husky had, one that looked like a lab, and one that looked like a Siberian Pit Bull mix, although he looked much more like the latter. People were so abusive to him just because he barked easily, but they would do things to provoke him, like going near our fence and whistling. One neighbor also confessed later on he used to throw water on him when we were not home to make him bark more. I am not saying that people were purposely acting that way towards him because he looked more like a pit bull, but now it makes me wonder. Also, some of these experiences made it too traumatizing for me to ever own a dog again. I think they are cute and sweet, but dealing with people who purposely taunt your dogs to make them bark is emotionally abusive. I know these people had nothing better to do, but it is just not something I would like to ever experience again. I admire people who own dogs, but since these experiences I have only wanted to own cats because they primarily can stay in the house, I do not have to walk them, and I do not have to worry about a neighbor doing things near our fence to make a dog bark, and then complain the dog is barking.
I’m very sorry you experienced that but glad that you do still have companions. It upsets me to hear about this type of person. Only recently there was an incident where a passer-by (allegedly) threw a brick over the fence of a dog owners private property at a dog! The injuries to the little dog were severe. Sadly, he had to be put to sleep. I just can’t fathom the thought process of these monsters among us that do such things to other living beings.
well i for one am scared of dogs, having been once attacked by a rabid dog
That must have been incredibly traumatic for you! I’m sorry you experienced that and I thank you for sharing. I do have some resource information about workshops for people who are fearful of dogs. Feel free to message me if you would like this information.
He’s beautiful!
Nichole recently posted…Planet Dog Teaches Us To Reduce – Reuse – Rewoof #EarthDay
What a great picture of Hudson. We love Hudson – he is very gentle and loving and makes a difference in his therapy and volunteer work. We have attended charity events with him and our great pal Bocker Labradoodle.
I hope we can meet him one day too. Thank you for the suggestion!
BSL is like gun control. Both are so worthless and putting the “blame” in the wrong place. Hudson is so handsome. I look forward to hearing his story.
Ava at Savvy Pet Care recently posted…How to Prevent Cat Hairballs
Apt comparison Ava. Thank you.
BSL is just another form of discrimination and it makes me so sad/mad. The portrait of Romeo is lovely and while I was horrified to learn about the cruelty that Hudson endured, I’m glad at least that he has recovered and is a therapy dog now. I look forward to reading about the good parts of his life.
I’m looking forward to sharing his story. Thanks Beth.