Interesting facts:
Lima is the capital of Peru located in the central, coastal part of the country, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. If you travel to Peru, you’ll see llamas everywhere. Particularly in the highlands. In the Sacred Valley children as young as four and five can be seen with baby llamas, as it is the custom for Peruvian children to raise the llamas for their wool.
The wool produced by a llama is very soft and lanolin-free. They are intelligent and can learn simple tasks after a few repetitions. Llamas are social animals and live with other llamas in a herd. When used as a pack animal, llamas can carry up to 30% of their body weight for 5-8 miles and are willing pack animals – to a point. An overloaded llama will just plain refuse to move. These animals often lie down on the ground, and they may spit, hiss, or even kick at their owners until the burden lessened.
Using llamas as livestock guards in North America began in the early 1980s, and some sheep producers have used llamas successfully since then. They are used most commonly where larger predators, such as the coyote, are prevalent.
Never been to Lima, but sure do love llamas!
They’re so fun to watch!
I’ve always loved the appearance of llamas…they look like Disney characters!
They do!!!
There are some therapy llamas here. It’s fun petting them!
Tenacious Little Terrier recently posted…Mirror Lake
I love the idea of therapy Llamas.
I’ve been to Lima and several other areas of Peru. It was interesting to see wild llamas at Machu Pichu!
Carleen recently posted…Cute For A Cure Calendar Contest For Charity
I would love to go there someday!
As a fiber artist, I LOVE Llama and Alpaca fiber to knit and felt with. Great post. Thanks for sharing some background on Lima and their Llama residents 🙂
I love the art of felting and the creations I’ve seen in felt.
We actually live close to a LIMA, Ohio. Fun facts about the llamas.
Tonya Wilhelm recently posted…Dog-Friendly Holden Arboretum: Kirtland, OH
Are there Llamas in Lima, OH?
I am so happy to read your Lima post! I wish I’d gotten to you with the letter I for Iquitos. Amazon Community Animal Rescue & Education (CARES) is based in Iquitos, and one must pass through Lima to get there. I admit I’ve never spotted llamas in Lima, but there are many historic sites in the city, and a growing culinary and wine gourmet community. But….if you travel to Lima, you may as hop on 1 hour flight to see the beautiful Amazon jungle and visit the Amazon CARES sanctuary!
I read your post Molly. I would love to visit the Amazon CARES sanctuary.
This is a beautiful portrait! I am happy to learn a little bit more about llamas. I didn’t realize that they were used as livestock guards!
Beth | Daily Dog Tag recently posted…In Loving Memory: Lulu My Favorite Pug
Thank you Beth. I had fun creating this guy!
I haven’t been to Peru, but I’ve seen plenty of llamas and their wool is soft and snuggly.
Pawesome Cats recently posted…Is it Ok for Cats to Drink Milk?
Peru is on my list. Inca Trail, Machu Picchu.
I didn’t realize Llamas could be taught how to do things. It’s very interesting that they won’t move if they are overloaded.
Sweet Purrfections recently posted…Our Little Mancat – Remembering Beignet
Smart Llamas – can’t blame them 😉
I have never been to Peru but have seen Llamas and love their wool, in the days when I knitted I used it,
I really must try knitting with it.
I always associate Peru with Paddington bear 😉 It made me, as a youngster, wonder about the world beyond my shores and what they might be like.
We think Llamas from Lima sounds like a song title doesn’t it. I can imagine your sweet portrait humming along LOL!
Paddington! Loved that story. Llamas from Lima is catchy.
My mom knitted a sweater in Llama wool last year, it’s so soft!! Sometimes you see one around here, but I’m always afraid they’ll spit at me, haha!
Valerie Desmet recently posted…Dealing With Pet Loss
Lol. I haven’t worked with Llama wool yet. I haven’t attempted a sweater in a while either!
A friend of ours raised Llamas for quite some time. They are very interesting animals!