January may be nearly over but it is still early in the year, and it is never too late to make positive changes.

Over the past several years, I have become caught up in a cyclone of my real, paying work, the work I love, which includes volunteering, any form of creativity and spending time with my pack. It is not without reason I subconsciously created the list in that particular order. Even my priorities are out of whack!
Don’t get me wrong, I somehow manage to fit all of those things into my week but at what cost?
My health.
I share this with you not because I want you to feel badly for me. I will be fine, thank you. In fact, I plan to be better than fine. And soon! I know that so many of you are also juggling your lives instead of enjoying them. You may be ignoring important signs from the Universe telling you to slow down and recharge your batteries.
I talk about health and nutrition for furkids and ensuring their safety but what happens if we, their people are not up to that task? It’s like the in-flight safety demonstrations advise:
Secure your oxygen mask before assisting others
There are numerous stories about animals who become ill; suffering from the same symptoms and conditions not yet recognized by their people. Some believe this reflection is a desperate attempt by the animal to tell their person to ‘GET HELP.’
We’ve also heard of dogs that can detect cancer.
Our incredible companions provide countless other mental and physical health benefits:
- reduce stress, anxiety, and depression
keep us from feeling lonely by providing companionship as well as introducing us to a whole social network of ‘pet people.’ (Mind Over Medicine Chapter 5: Loneliness Poisons the Body)
- encourage us to play and exercise (improving our moods and cardiovascular health)
I want to be the best person I can be – for my companions!
I just finished reading MIND OVER MEDICINE by Lissa Rankin, MD.
As a skeptical, science-minded physician, Lissa admits she was intrigued, but had doubts about how the mind can heal the body. One patient inspired the physician to take a step back from her overbooked schedule, after pointing out there was a disconnect between the Doctor and her patients. The pressure to see as many patients as possible in less time was demanding and emotionally draining. Not a good situation for physicians or those individuals under their care.
What followed, was a quest to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the mind can heal the body.
Seeking to move the notion of self-healing from the realm of the magical or even metaphysical, I also searched for evidence of a clear physiological mechanism that explains how positive thoughts and emotions might translate into cure for the body.
The book is divided into three insightful sections:
- Believe yourself well
- Treat your mind
- Write the prescription
At the start of the book Lissa shares her findings with readers; proof gleaned from years of thorough research. The truth about our health will surprise most.
Mind Over Medicine teaches us what we do to make ourselves ill and prevent healing. We also learn how to avoid these obstacles and make the positive changes in our lives to keep our minds and bodies healthy. How to heal.
One Rx from the book is to surround ourselves with genuine, uplifting and supportive people. Those of us with animal companions in our lives have already been blessed with unconditional love. When it comes to an incredible support system, we’re ahead of the pack!
After taking a few steps back, I have regained perspective. A firm foundation is imperative for supporting our long-term goals. Throughout 2016, I look forward to building a strong base on which to create my castle – as high as the sky.
My long term goal is to find peace, harmony and happiness and to live a purposeful life.
Did you make resolutions? How are you doing with those?
Don’t beat yourself up if you need a ‘do-over.’ We are a work in progress – enjoy your journey!
Click to order your copy of Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself
Lissa Rankin – Owning Pink
That sounds like a great book! I know that it’s easy to get caught up taking care of others and forget to take care of yourself. I’ve totally been there and it got to the point where I was always taking care of others and my health declined, too. I ended up making a major change (I left my horrible job) and started taking better care of myself. I still have some work to do but I’m a little happier.
I’m pleased to hear that you’re in a happier place. Things can get to a point where we become resentful. I’m glad you didn’t end up there.
I didn’t make any resolutions this year but I have been working on self care!
That’s a big deal! Good for you!
That sounds like a great book – looking after our own health and wellbeing is so important, and so often overlooked in the busyness of our day-to-day lives.
Pawesome Cats recently posted…Best Cat Breeds for People With Allergies
We need to stop and smell the roses (and care for ourselves).
This sounds like an interesting book that I’m adding to my reading list.
I’m sure you will gain so much from reading it Vicki. Happy we were able to recommend.
I am a true believer in the power of the mind to heal and help us create the lives we desire and conversely to keep us stuck. I have seen it work both ways and never cease to be amazed. I signed off with my holistic health website this time in case you want to check out what I’ve written about the mind body connection and the placebo effect.
Val Silver recently posted…Jan 26, The Health Benefits of Pets
I will definitely visit your site! Thank you for sharing, Val.
Looking after our own health is so important. This looks like a great read, thanks for sharing!
Golden Daily Scoop recently posted…A Valentine’s Gift Guide for Dogs
My pleasure! Thank you for visiting our blog.
As someone who works way too much, I have made a true effort to slow down and enjoy the wonderful life I have around me – my pets being at the top of the list. Since the new year, my husband and I have taken our cat Sophie and dog Lucy on weekly Saturday adventures outdoors, and it has been a blast! This is just one way we have both made an effort to take a look around and enjoy life. This book sounds like a great one. Thanks for sharing.
That sounds amazing! Thank you for sharing this example of enjoyment.
It is easy to get busy taking care of everyone else and forget to take care of ourselves. This is great advice.
M. K. Clinton recently posted…Dog Coats Made By De
Thank you. Yes, we forget about ourselves.
No resolutions; I find goals much easier to get my head around. Running non-stop will certainly take a toll. So important to take time for oneself, but not always so easy to do!
Elizabeth Keene recently posted…For Real: 5 Straight-Up ‘Unprofessional’ Reasons to Attend #BlogPaws With Me!
No, it is not easy. Thanks for reading, Elizabeth.
This sounds like an outstanding book -I strongly believe in so many of these philosophies. My #1 take-away is believe yourself well. I cannot take care of my beautiful canines without being 100% present and well. I know this about myself and when I’m spread to thin I’m a hot mess. Thanks for this review and post.
christy recently posted…Herb Review: Passion Flower for Anxiety (new series)
A pleasure to share Christy!
It is so easy to lose sight of this and get overwhelmed with life. Even though I’m semi-retired and supposed to be taking care of myself I find this happening. With the new year, I am working on slowing down and enjoying things more.
Ava at Savvy Pet Care recently posted…If My Cats Had a Bucket List
I don’t know one retired person who isn’t constantly on the go! I’m glad to hear you’re working on slowing the pace and caring for yourself Ava.
After caring for my mom for 10 years, I understand a little about the power of the mind to help heal the body, keep you going when you fear you’re physically and mentally drained. I am now very selfish of my time and dote on my dogs as often as I can. I have to be healthy and rested to take proper care of them =)
Mary Haight recently posted…Pet Product Safety Fails: What You Can Do
Well said Mary!
We are true believers – we’ll check out the book – thank you for sharing!
MattieDog recently posted…Dear Frito Lay® Get Out of My Dog’s Paws!
Our pleasure MattieDog!
I read that book and totally believe in it! I know for the past several years I talk all the time about how healthy I am and how I never get sick. And guess what? It’s true. I never get sick anymore. Even when everyone around me is. I always stay healthy.
You are a great role model. Thanks Cathy!
This sounds like a really interesting book. I am trying to make some positive changes in the way I treat myself.
Beth recently posted…Fetching!
Glad to hear that Beth! Enjoy the process.
I suffer from a number of chronic ailments, so I know about the draining feeling you are talking about. I talk about it very publicly not to gain sympathy, but to help people understand me and other people suffering with “invisible illnesses.” It is so important to care for yourself first. I always remind myself that no one cares as much for me as I do for myself.
Robin recently posted…Funny Cat Picture: A Purrfect Response
…and so we should (care for ourselves). Thanks for sharing Robin.
Wonderful post that many can relate to and bring awareness to this topic is so important!
I am so far keeping my New Years Resolution! Paws crossed I keep it up! 🙂
Spencer the Goldendoodle recently posted…Super Bowl 50! Lets Go Broncos!
Good for you Spencer! They say it takes 21 days to make something a habit. I’d say you’ve got it in the bag!
Sounds like a great book…I, too, tend to take care of everyone else before me. Working on fitting me in on my list! I do believe in the power of positive thinking. Love the pic! Great post!
FiveSibesMom recently posted…It’s Puppy Bowl Sunday!
Yes, be sure to prioritize ‘you.’
It’s refreshing to see an MD embracing these concepts. I’m a huge believer in reducing stress as a way of healing. Stress Less & Laugh More is my motto. I don’t run to the medicine cabinet or the doctor for medication every time I have a small ailment. I try to first rest and free myself of stresses around me and see if I can alter my diet in some way or drink more water to help whatever minor think is ailing me.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Sounds like a great book. I was diagnosed as a rare form of OCD with Perfectionism Disorder a few decades ago. I have to remind myself to take time to relax and spend both quality and quantity time with my girls.
Isn’t that what some religious communities believe? That the mind can heal the body? Interesting concept to work with for mental health I think. As long as you stick reducing stress and becoming more aware of our mental health (which is so often overlooked – stress, grief, mental illness).
Positive thinking and action towards controlling our destiny is a great concept especially in this high pressure world and one that we really need to take on board in a big way. I would still go to the doctor if i was physically ill though.
Marjorie at Dash Kitten recently posted…Precious from Brian’s Blog
In the book, the importance of having a strong belief system is addressed. Whatever that is for each person it is important to have faith in something.
I love the sound of this book and I would enjoy reading it.
I’m so glad I picked it up and pleased to share it with everyone.
This was great, thank you!!!
Jenna “HuskyCrazed” Drady recently posted…My First Furry Customer #SmithsFallsPetStore
Thanks for visiting Jenna!