This adorable cartoon of the Rooster, Reese and Henry was created by artist Michelle Smith of North Wales, UK. Michelle combines her love of animals, sense of humour and a background in cartooning to help support North Clwyd Animal Rescue – NCAR;
They do great work helping unwanted, abused and abandoned pets, finding them new homes with loving families. I was introduced to NCAR when I was looking for a new pet dog. My family and I visited the centre where we first met Stars, our beautiful, happy staffy. We fell in love with her instantly. Since then we have added to our collection from NCAR with four kittens and cats.
Michelle started by ‘tooning’ her pets and posted them on Facebook. She soon had friends requesting toons of their pets too. “You will also see lots of toons of Winston, our slightly overweight pug, says Michelle.
Michelle saw the opportunity to use her creative talent as a way to help NCAR, a rescue organization that provides shelter and foster homes for various types of animals in need. The organization also educates people about the effects of unwanted litters. NCAR take visitors; large groups as well as individuals.
I really do enjoy learning of their characters and turning this into a toon.
Michelle found photos of Ricky (the Rooster), Reese and Henry online and although I did not provide information about their characters, Michelle was able to interpret their personalities beautifully. Reese LOVES being doted upon and when paid attention she really does bat those pretty lashes.
Interested in a cartoon of your animal companion(s)? Perhaps you’re looking for a unique gift for someone with a pet? If so, please email Michelle with photos and a brief description of the pet’s character. Michelle will create something special for you too. Here are further examples of her talent:
Contact information for Michelle;
Thank you Michelle for our team toon and for all the good work you do for rescue animals.
More about NCAR
North Clwyd Animal Rescue does not receive state funding and relies on donations. They do have charity shops which help to bring in much needed regular revenue however, with veterinary bills topping £7,000.00 per month (nearly $16,000), their ability to continue is becoming increasingly difficult. The organization charges a minimal ‘adoption donation’ for the animals which in most cases does not even cover the Veterinary bill relating to that animal.
Disclaimer: Her and her dogs received the adorable cartoon of Ricky, Reese and Henry from Toon Petz for posting about Michelle’s artwork and the cause it supports. The feedback and opinions shared in this post are ours, in our words. We did not receive monetary compensation for this review, and it is our choice to share this product/service information.
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Your “toons” are so adorable! So nice that you use your talents to help animals in need (-:
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Thanks so kind of you thanks so much. Its feedback such as yours that means a lot to me thank you xx