The Starbucks in my neck of the woods, is a dangerous place; it creates a ‘relax, unwind, take your time’ sort of mentality. Not the mindset I should adapt when perusing the vast selection of books on display, in what I consider an earthly form of heaven, next door at Chapters. Perhaps I should compare it more to the garden, of Eden; I love reading (when I can find the time) and purchase on impulse, sometimes several delights per visit. As is the case with most of my wonderful assortment of books, they end up shelved, to be glanced at briefly, each week as I ‘swiffer’ over their spines. I make a promise to come back and rescue one from remaining of no more significance than the ornament or framed photo with which it shares the space.
True to my word, I did go back and pick ‘YOU HAD ME AT WOOF’, written by author Julie Klam. I am delighted to share with you my review of this wonderful, incredibly well-written, book.
Reading Julie’s story is like listening to a girlfriend share, first-hand, her hilarious and at times, heart-wrenching experiences with dogs – specifically, Boston Terriers. I could definitely share a bottle of wine and several laughs, or tears, I’m sure, with this witty and kind-hearted person.
We first meet Julie, as a single girl living in New York City. Her story and life-changing experiences, are shared over a period of more than four years – yet, as I read through the pages, it seemed no time passed before I reached the back cover. This incredibly honest, heart-felt account of Klam’s trials and tribulations, gives much insight about what is involved in working with rescue organizations; a multitude of issues, and inevitabilities associated with animal welfare, rescue, shelters, fostering, and dog-ownership, in general. Anyone who has, or previously had an animal companion will relate – those involved with animal welfare, concernedly so. When it comes to animal welfare, it’s so often hard not to be judgemental, and react adversely to people. Julie is relatable to readers; with her her down-to-earth personality and non-filtered sharing of personal opinions, she lends humour and/or empathy to each situation.
In this book ‘You had me at woof’, Julie Klam shares with us, what is in my opinion, one of life’s most valuable lessons; ‘How Dogs Taught Me the Secrets of Happiness’.
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